How a Website Can Boost Your Private School’s Success

How a Website Can Boost Your Private School’s Success

As a private school owner or manager in Nigeria, you may think that having a website is not a priority for your institution. After all, you have a physical location, loyal customers, and a good reputation in your community. Why spend time and money on creating and maintaining a website?

The answer is simple: having a website can benefit your private school in many ways. A website can help you showcase your school’s strengths, attract more students, communicate effectively, facilitate online learning, generate more income, and stay competitive in the education market.

The world has become increasingly digital, and the internet is now a primary source of information for people around the globe. This is especially true in Nigeria, where access to the internet is growing rapidly. As a private school owner in Nigeria, you cannot afford to be left behind in this digital revolution. Having a website for your private school is no longer an option but a necessity.

In this blog post, we will explain how a website can help you achieve these goals and give you some tips on how to create a website that reflects your school’s vision and values.

Showcase Your School’s Strengths

One of the main reasons why you need a website for your private school is to showcase your school’s strengths to prospective parents and students. A website can help you highlight your school’s vision, mission, values, curriculum, facilities, staff, achievements, and testimonials.

A website can also help you differentiate your school from other private schools in Nigeria by showing your unique angle and value proposition. For example, you can emphasize your school’s accreditation, awards, affiliations, partnerships, and social responsibility initiatives.

By showcasing your school’s strengths on your website, you can build trust and credibility with your target audience and convince them that your school is the best choice for their children’s education.

Attract More Students

Another reason why you need a website for your private school is to attract more students to enroll in your institution. A website can help you reach a wider audience by enabling access from any device, location, and time zone. A website can also help you rank higher on search engines like Google and Bing by using relevant keywords and optimizing your content for SEO.

A website can also help you convert more visitors into leads by providing online application forms, admission requirements, fees, scholarships, and contact details. You can also use your website to collect email addresses and send newsletters and updates to potential customers.

By attracting more students to your website, you can increase your enrollment rate and grow your revenue.

Communicate Effectively

A third reason why you need a website for your private school is to communicate effectively with your existing parents and students. A website can help you provide updates, announcements, newsletters, calendars, events, and feedback forms. You can also use your website to share resources, tips, advice, and news related to your school’s niche.

A website can also help you create a community by fostering collaboration, engagement, and networking among your stakeholders. You can use your website to host forums, blogs, podcasts, webinars, and social media platforms where parents and students can interact with each other and with your staff.

By communicating effectively with your parents and students on your website, you can improve customer satisfaction and retention.

Facilitate Online Learning

A fourth reason why you need a website for your private school is to facilitate online learning for your students. A website can help you offer e-books, videos, podcasts, quizzes, assignments, and interactive platforms for teachers and students. You can also use your website to integrate with learning management systems (LMS) like Moodle or Canvas that allow you to create and manage online courses.

A website can also help you improve your administration by automating tasks such as attendance, grading, reporting, invoicing, and payroll. You can also use your website to monitor and evaluate your student’s progress and performance.

By facilitating online learning on your website, you can enhance your student’s learning experience and outcomes.

Generate More Income

A fifth reason why you need a website for your private school is to generate more income for your institution. A website can help you offer online courses, e-commerce, donations, sponsorships, and advertising. You can also use your website to showcase your products and services, such as uniforms, books, tours, camps, and extracurricular activities.


As you can see, having a website for your private school in Nigeria can bring you many benefits in 2023 and beyond. A website can help you showcase your school’s strengths, attract more students, communicate effectively, facilitate online learning, and generate more income.

If you want to create a website for your private school, you need to follow some steps to make it successful. You need to understand your audience, choose your topic, write an outline, hook your reader, give actionable advice, close with a call to action, polish your post, and enhance it with images and links.

If you need help with creating a website for your private school, you can contact us at Call or WhatsApp: +2348025938521. We are a professional web design and development company that specializes in creating websites for private schools in Nigeria. We can help you create a website that reflects your school’s vision and values and meets your goals.

Don’t wait any longer. Contact us today and let us help you boost your private school’s success in 2023 with a website.😊

How Much Does a Website Design Cost in 2023?

How Much Does a Website Design Cost in 2023?

As a business owner or an entrepreneur, your website is the most important marketing tool you need to leverage the benefits a business will derive from the internet.

Of course, you will need to hire a good web designer to design your new website or redesign your existing website to make it more responsive and user-friendly.

The first question that pops up is how much it costs to design a website.

In this post, I will tell you everything you need to know about your website design and redesign investment this year 2023. So, keep reading…

What will your website design or redesign cost?

To give you an idea of the amount of investment you need to make on your web design project, you should take note that there are two different kinds of web design pricing models.

In the first pricing model, the web designer usually suggests web hosting and asks you to purchase your domain, and hosting plan by yourself after which you give them access to your hosting account. This means the web designer will only charge you for the web design services that will be rendered to you by them.

In the second price model, the web designer hosts your site on their server and charges you both for hosting the site and also for the web design services that will be rendered to you by them.

Now that you know how web designers charge, let us now go into the summary before delving into the details.

Professional web design pricing in Nigeria can be from ₦70,000 to above ₦5,000,000 depending on a number of factors. Having known this, let me go ahead and explain to you in detail what the cost of a standard website design should be.

As we rightly established, a number of factors influence the price of building a website. These factors include the following…

The type of website you need for your business

If you are a small business, or a service provider such as a coach, freelancer, etc who does not have much story to tell yet, all you need is a standard website where you will display your services, sell your courses, display your portfolio, good CTA, and contact details such as contact form, phone numbers emails, etc. You will be okay with a single to five pages website which will cost around ₦70,000 to ₦170,000 or more depending on the style requirement and the features you need on the website.

If you are a bigger business or an entrepreneur who has more things to accommodate on your website, want to integrate complex payment systems, etc your website investment should be ranging from ₦160,000 to ₦500,000 or more. This also depends largely on the number of additional features you require on your website.

For eCommerce websites, the price of building eCommerce websites is always higher due to the amount of time required, the volume of products to be uploaded, integration of complex payment systems, and lots of other factors. The business model too could require that some uncommon unique features be integrated. Generally, eCommerce websites require a lot of time and technicalities so the investment is always higher. the price could be anything from ₦200,000 to ₦5,000,000 and above depending on how complicated the building process is.

Experience of the web designer

In every aspect of life, experience matters a lot and it comes with an added advantage to the service provider which in this case is the website designer. Most people often tie experience down to the number of years the web designer, or web design agency has been in operation but in the real sense, it goes beyond just numbers. To determine the worth of your prospective web designer, first of all, look at their previous work. What do you say about their own agency website, does it appeal to you? take a tour of their portfolio. This will give you a clue about how experienced they are.

How complex the project is

Good websites take time to build; The more complex your web design project is the more money you need to invest in it. Maybe you need a lot of added features to your site, or you need a very unique feature due to the nature of your business, the web designer will evaluate your web design requirements, and the time it will take to achieve them all will be included in your bill. Some web designers charge based on the number of hours they spend on your project.

The bargain

Many web designers will prefer to keep their price list away from the public and will only give web design quotations with a very high price and allow the client to bargain. By so doing, both parties agree on a perceived favorable price. It is a win-win for everyone as much as the job is done.

The type of server, and domain

One major thing that will impact the amount of money you will invest in your website design will be the hosting infrastructure(The server on which your website will be hosted). Before your website comes live on the internet, it needs to be hosted on a supercomputer somewhere, this supercomputer mostly called a server will store all your website information so that whenever someone visits your website, the information will be retrieved and shown to them.

The cost of hosting a website also differs from one hosting provider to another and is largely influenced by the quality of services they offer. So web hosting providers are more reliable than others and also more expensive.

If you are finding it difficult to choose a suitable web hosting provider, you can ask your web designer to suggest a few for you to choose from.

The cost of hosting a website with a reliable hosting provider is from $10 to above $500 monthly depending on the hosting provider and reliability.

Lastly: whether you want to purchase your