How To Make More Money With Propeller Ads Network

How To Make More Money With Propeller Ads Network

How To Make More Money With Propeller Ads Network

How To Make More Money With Propeller Ads Network

One of the major challenge blog owners face is finding the right monetizing channel. This is where advertising network and other methods of monetization comes in.

Google Adsense is well known, but sometimes the approval does not come. Then we have to consider other alternatives available.

We are reviewing one of the best Google Adsense alternative, Propeller Ad network.

Propeller Ads Network was established in 2011 and they have grown to be one of the largest ad networks we have around today.

A lot of publishers are currently using PropellerAds and you can find a lot of good comments concerning this great ad network even on social media platforms.

So, let’s get to know what working with this company is like.



PropellerAds does not have any minimum requirements. Even new websites with barely one thousand page views daily are accepted. To join this ad network, you must have a custom domain name.

The signup process is quite simple, as no approval process is required. You just head over to propeller ads network website. Sign Up Here.

After signing up you add your site and verify. Quite a simple process which is highly commendable from this ad network.



-Pop-under ads

-Banner ads of various sizes

-Direct links


-Direct Ads

-Native Subscription (Push Notification)


Over the years, PropellerAds has tried to make receiving of earnings easy for publishers. This they have done by bringing more payment methods and reducing minimum payout depending on the payment method.

Update of your earning is real-time which you can check on the go.

With Propeller Ads innovative idea of allowing publishers to monetize nearly all pieces of their blog like social media pages, games, browser extension, etc getting to the minimum payout which is really low on some payment method won’t be a problem.

Also, with their special algorithm that matches an advertisement with the current website contents, publishers are at more advantage.



-PayPal: Minimum payout is $5 paid every Thursday of the week (NET 7).

-Payoneer Prepaid Card: Minimum payout for the first withdrawal is $100 after that it’s just $25 every month (NET 30).

-Skrill: Minimum payout for the first withdrawal is $100 after that it’s just $25 every month (NET 30)

-Wire Transfer: The minimum payout is $550 paid every 30 days (NET 30).

After updating your payment method and setting minimum payout, your earning is paid to you automatically as at when due.

In case you are new to earning from ad networks, you may not receive the exact amount earning due to some charges by your payment method. Like in the case of wire transfer, $50 is charged for a $1000 payment.


Customer Care:

Their customer support line is really reliable as you are likely to get a prompt response every time you need to be it a publisher or advertiser. You can reach them through the “Contact Page” on their site.

The site is multi-lingual which can be really helpful if you’re English is not so good.


Referral Program:

The PropellerAds referral program is one of them for an ad company. You could make a pretty good income if you get people to sign up through your affiliate link. This shouldn’t be difficult especially as Propeller Ads is growing in popularity.

You earn 5{dcc7ab864d94478d8ab11b9d25251471003a05164918104013d5f176a95ffc15} of the total earning generated by your referral not just once but for life. That’s great.


CONCLUSION: Propeller ads network is one of the best ad networks for small and large publishers to monetize their blog.

Are you still worried whether they are safe? Yes. They are totally free from malware and viruses. A lot of publishers are currently using them and making money from them.

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How To Make More Money With Propeller Ads Network

Guide To Becoming A Successful Jumia Affiliate

Jumia Affiliate

Guide To Becoming A Successful Jumia Affiliate

If you’re a Nigerian looking for a good affiliate program opportunity online then Jumia affiliate should definitely be the solution.

There are a lot of reasons to join Jumia affiliate like the easiness in approving new affiliates. To add to it, a lot of affiliate marketers using Jumia have a lot of testimonies to give.

Let’s start by knowing what affiliate marketing is.


Affiliate marketing, simply put is the promotion of a company’s product to generate sales and get paid a certain amount as commission.

Note, you don’t own the product but you just help the company sell it.


Jumia is an online store where a variety of goods and products are available for sale. Jumia operates in many African countries including Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt, Morrocco, South Africa, and so many other countries.

Jumia started in Nigeria before spreading to other African countries.


Jumia affiliate is a programme aim towards rewarding people (affiliates)  who help bring people to buy from Jumia.

When a product is bought through an affiliate’s link, a certain commission depending on the product is paid to the affiliate marketer, that is you.

The program pays a minimum of #5,000 monthly to affiliates who have successfully earned that much. The money is paid through bank transfer for affiliates that are in  Nigeria.

About receiving your commission, you don’t have to worry about anything. Jumia affiliate program is one of the best out there and they pay right on time.


You can join the affiliate program by simply going to their affiliate page and Sign Up. Fill the form accurately and wait for approval.


You don’t need to have a website to be able to join. You can use your social media account to promote the products.


One step is joining the Jumia affiliate program and the other being the most important is being able to make sales in your promotion and earn some commission.

The dashboard is really easy to navigate, simple to understand.

On the left pane, you will find the menu. This menu provides tools for your promotion and monitors how your promotion is going. You can get banners under “Tools” and also some reports on your promotion under “Reporting”.


To be able to sell any product you must show it to a lot of eyes. To make a significant amount of sales, you must show it to a lot of targeted audience.

Take for example, if you are promoting baby wears. Showing the adverts to tech lovers where you have very few numbers of people that are even interested in it will make you very small or no sales.

The main thing is “targeting”.

That takes us to how to reach your desired audience. One way you can reach the targeted audience is by running a niche blog.



It will cost a few dollars to get your blog running. On your blog, you write extensively about the product you wish to promote. You should take some time out and be familiar with the product, that is how it works and how it is best used and other things.

You should be able to answer questions asked by your blog visitors.

You might not be able to get organic traffic in the first few months but you should know that the main aim is to find a target audience.

Having organic traffic is the best since it is highly targetted.

When organic traffic is not fast coming, you can turn to social media to promote your product.

You May Also Want To Read: Guide To Becoming An Affiliate Marketer in Nigeria

How To Make More Money With Propeller Ads Network

HIWAP review: Make N300,000 Bonus Monthly Writing Health Articles

HIWAP Review

HIWAP review: Make N300,000 Monthly Writing Health Articles

HIWAP review & Registration. A Step by step guide to HealthIsWealth.NG Registration

Since the StackAgents YouTube program stopped paying, many people have asked me to introduce them to any other paying online money making opportunity that works.

For this reason, I am here to write about a new refer and earn commission program in Nigeria called HIWAP (HEALTH IS WEALTH AFFILIATE PROGRAM).


What Is HIWAP?


Is the name HIWAP strange to you or have you heard it somewhere before?


Well, that doesn’t matter. What matters is that I am about to show you how you can be able to make N300,000 monthly by writing articles and or referring your friends and family to join the program.


As earlier noted, HIWAP is an acronym for Health Is Wealth Affiliate Program.


Who Is The Founder Of HIWAP?

The program was founded by Samuel Joy, a renowned human nutritionist and personal health consultant. He also partnered with Paul Samson PSO who is an online marketing expert and the founder of the popular


HIWAP Review: Registration & How It Works

Having known a little about Health Is Wealth Affiliate Program, let’s go straight to how to register for HIWAP and start making money daily.

Click on the link Here to register

You will be taken straight to their website where you need to register your new account.

Click “Register” on the top left side if you are on a PC. If you are on a mobile phone then you should click the menu button to reveal the “Register”.

Follow the steps below to perform your registration correctly.

Once you are done filling your personal details, make sure you did that accurately then submit.

Check your email for an activation instruction.

Click on the link sent to your email and finally your account is activated.

Upgrade Your HIWAP Account

First of all, you are required to pay a one time fee of ₦2,000 which they call investment/product purchase/membership fee.

After registering and upgrading your account you will now qualify to earn ₦1,000 per article you write.

You also have the opportunity of earning 50{dcc7ab864d94478d8ab11b9d25251471003a05164918104013d5f176a95ffc15} direct referral commission for introducing your friends and family to take part in this opportunity.

You will earn 25{dcc7ab864d94478d8ab11b9d25251471003a05164918104013d5f176a95ffc15} indirect commission from your sub referral and

10{dcc7ab864d94478d8ab11b9d25251471003a05164918104013d5f176a95ffc15} matching bonus when your referrals complete their circle every time.

How To Make Payment

To upgrade your account and start enjoying all the benefits mentioned above, login to your account, on the dashboard area, click on upgrade as shown by the red arrow on the image below…

You will be then taken to a new secured window where you will make payment through Nigeria’s number one payment solution PayStack.

Fill in the required details i.e your first and last name, your email, phone number, the amount is N2000, your user id and username. The click “Pay Now”

You can also upgrade your account by purchasing e-pin but I recommend you use this method as you are surer and will get information to upgrade your account automatically.

The more article you write, the more you earn ₦1,000 per article. If you can be able to write ten articles daily which is very possible and simple to do, that means you will be able to earn ₦10,000 daily by writing for HIWAP.

The more direct referral, the more you earn (₦1,000 per referral), the more circle, the more indirect referral commission.



Guide To Becoming An Affiliate Marketer in Nigeria

Join Glo Affiliate Program Today & Earn As A Mobile Money Agent



There are many opportunities to make money on the internet. These opportunities don’t come all the time and it is usually designed in such a way that the early people to join smiles majorly to the bank while latecomers might find themselves struggling to earn.

Health Is Wealth Affiliate Program Is new and currently paying and that is why I did this HIWAP Review so that you can join and be among the early earners!!

How To Make More Money With Propeller Ads Network

Guide To Becoming An Affiliate Marketer in Nigeria

Affiliate Marketer in Nigeria

Guide To Becoming An Affiliate Marketer in Nigeria

Affiliate marketing to so many is one of the well-known ways of making money online. It doesn’t really require much getting started and not a difficult concept to understand.

The tricky part is actually making money as an affiliate marketer.

First, let’s know what affiliate marketing is.


Affiliate marketing is simply the process of helping businesses or companies sell their products while being paid commission by the company.

A lot goes into the process of making sure that the product your promoting reaches the right audience.

Another important thing is being able to convince people that yes the products are what they need and what they should buy.


1) LITTLE STARTUP COST: Taking into account the cost required to set up a blog, assuming you want to use a blog to promote the products. It is quite cheap, with a few dollars you can get your blog running. Joining affiliate programs is free, you don’t have to pay a penny and the registration only takes a few minutes.

2) EASY TO EARN: Earning as an affiliate marketer is relatively easier compared to earning through other avenues like using ad networks. Unlike using ad networks, affiliate network does not require a lot of traffic (people seeing or engaging with your adverts). You can earn commission even with a very small amount of exposure as when a person buys you are being paid.

3) WIDE OPTIONS: You are open to choose from a wide range of affiliate programs on any niche. This is really a plus as you can test which one works well for your type of product and you can use it to maximize profit.


Now, let’s look at various ways an affiliate marketer in Nigeria can promote products online.

1) By Blog.

2) By Forum

3) On Social Media.


1) By  Blog: I will presume you know what a blog is, if you don’t, you can google it. A sure way of making money through affiliate marketing is through turning your blog readers into buyers of your affiliated product.

It is not just going to happen. You have to do something like writing about the product you wish to promote.

One mistake bloggers usually do when promoting products is by just using banners that carries a message about their product.

Well, this can work too but won’t convert much as when one will write about the product in details and also give reasons to potential buyers to go for the product.

2)By Forum: Posting on forums works. But you have to be careful how you go about it lest members find it annoying.

On any product you wish to promote, you should be able to answer some questions surrounding it. Then you can simply drop your affiliate link once in a while. Don’t make it look spammy.

Another thing is, the group should be related to the product you wish to promote. This will make sure you reach potential buyers.

3) Using Social Media: Social media can give a lot of audiences being a group or page or a personal profile.

As already mentioned, find a group related to a product you want to promote. Try to avoid spamming as that can get you kicked out by the admin.



1) Get The Knowledge: Get enough knowledge about the product you are promoting. This will help you answer questions related to the product and help in convincing potential buyers.

2) Learn From Others: Hardly will you find a product worthy of promoting that you will not find a promoter on the internet. You can go close, understand the strategy the promoter is using and copy a thing or two to apply in your strategy.

3) Product Quality: Some products have a good reputation already. So, convincing people to go for it won’t be a difficult task. This will make you make more sales easily.

How To Make More Money With Propeller Ads Network

Join Glo Affiliate Program Today & Earn As A Mobile Money Agent


Join Glo Affiliate Program Today & Earn As A Mobile Money Agent In Nigeria

Glo Affiliate Program is an affiliate marketing program developed by Nigerian telecommunication giant Globacom. It is aimed at enabling Glo subscribers to earn cool cash by marketing products.

For the benefit of those who might not know what affiliate marketing is, I will explain to you in a lay man’s word what affiliate marketing is all about.

Affiliate Marketing is a system set by a business in such a way that it gives a reward to individuals who market and successfully convince other people to patronize their products. The affiliate marketer here needs to put in some extra marketing effort to be able to attract patronage to the company or business it is affiliated to.

In the case of Glo Affiliate Program, you are actually going to sign up to become its mobile money agent and that will fetch a lot of cool cash and it is very simple to join.

ALSO READ: 6 Business You Can Start Without Capital In Nigeria

As a mobile money agent, your main work will be to offer registrations, offer mobile money services, involving cash in and cash out plus selling of airtime, data and also bill payments.

Mobile money agency in Nigeria today has proven to be a very lucrative venture especially as a lot of people in rural areas, especially adults… about 55{dcc7ab864d94478d8ab11b9d25251471003a05164918104013d5f176a95ffc15} don’t have access to real financial activities like banking.

If you join the Glo Affiliate Program and become their mobile money agent, you will have a lot of benefits that range from earning extra income from transaction generated from mobile money, benefit from the globally recognized brand association and many more benefits you will find out later on…

What Are The Requirements To Join Glo Affiliate Program?

First of all, to be eligible to join the affiliate program, you must own a registered Glo sim card, then you also need a smartphone, You must be active on social media to be able to reach many people too.

How Do I Sign Up For Glo Affiliate Program

It is very simple and straight to the point. All you need to do is follow the link HERE and fill in your information as requested on their website.